Програмата наистина е много добра. Няма много програми с които да можете да конвертира Photoshop *.PSD файлове до някакъв по-конвенционален формат. Има и доста скрити под повърхността полезни инструменти, които могат да се намерят само в Linux дистрибуциите, като например възможностите и за работа с конзолата. Ето как преоразмерявам много файлове, които съм свалил от фотоапарата си:
' Command line options allow you to set some functions of IrfanView before the viewer is launched.
These command line options are supported in IrfanView:
/one - force 'Only one instance'
/fs - force Full Screen display
/bf - force 'Fit images to desktop' display option
/title=text - set window title to 'text'
/pos=(x,y) - move the window to x,y
/convert=filename - convert input file to 'filename' and close IrfanView
(see Pattern page for additional filename options)
/slideshow=txtfile - play slideshow with the files from 'txtfile'
/slideshow=folder - play slideshow with the files from 'folder'
/thumbs - force thumbnails
/killmesoftly - close all IrfanView instances
/closeslideshow - close slideshow and close IrfanView after the last image
/page=X - open page number X from a multipage input image
/crop=(x,y,w,h) - crop input image: x-start, y-start, width, height
/print - print input image to default printer and close IrfanView
/print='Name' - print input image to specific printer and close IrfanView
/resize=(w,h) - resize input image to w (width) and h (height)
/resize_long=X - resize input image: set long side to X
/resize_short=X - resize input image: set short side to X
/resample - for resize: use Resample option (better quality)
/capture=X - capture the screen or window (see examples below)
/ini - use the Windows folder for INI/LST files (read/save)
/ini='Folder' - use the folder 'Folder' for INI/LST files (read/save)
/clippaste - paste image from the clipboard
/clipcopy - copy image to the clipboard
/silent - don't show error messages for command line read/save errors
/invert - invert the input image
/dpi=(x,y) - change DPI values
/scan - acquire the image from the TWAIN device - show TWAIN dialog
/scanhidden - acquire the image from the TWAIN device - hide TWAIN dialog
/batchscan=(options) - simulate menu: File->Batch Scanning, see below for example
/bpp=BitsPerPixel - change color depth of the input image to BitsPerPixel
/swap_bw - swap black and white color
/gray - convert input image to grayscale
/rotate_r - rotate input image to right
/rotate_l - rotate input image to left
/filepattern='x' - browse only specific files
/sharpen=X - open image and apply the sharpen filter value X
/contrast=X - open image and apply the contrast value X
/bright=X - open image and apply the brighntess value X
/gamma=X - open image and apply the gamma correction value X
/advancedbatch - apply Advanced Batch Dialog options to image (from INI file)
/hide=X - hide toolbar, status bar, menu and/or caption of the main window (see examples below)
/transpcolor=(r,g,b) - set transparent color if saving as GIF/PNG/ICO
/aspectratio - used for /resize and /resample, keep image proportions
/info=txtfile - write image infos to 'txtfile'
/append=tiffile - append image as (TIF) page to 'tiffile'
/multitif=(tif,files) - create multipage TIF from input files
/panorama=(X,files) - create panorama image from input files; X = direction (1 or 2)
/jpgq=X - set JPG save quality
/tifc=X - set TIF save compression
/wall=X - set image as wallpaper
/extract=(folder,ext) - extract all pages from a multipage file
/import_pal=palfile - import and apply a special palette to the image (PAL format)
/jpg_rotate=(options) - JPG lossless rotation, see above for examples
/monitor=X - start EXE-Slideshow on monitor X
/window=(x,y,w,h) - set EXE-Slideshow window position and size
- Only lower case options are supported (don't type any UPPERCASE letters) !
- Input file name (if required) is always the first parameter!
- Use ' for file names with spaces, example: 'c:imagesdummy test file.jpg'.
- Write always the FULL paths for file names (incl. drive).
- You can combine several options in one command.
- Wildcards (*) supported only for /convert, /print, /info and /jpg_rotate.
- Maximal command line length is limited by Windows, so use shorter names/paths.